Two of our club members got together recently to play a game of Ospreys Pikemans Lament

The Kings Warchest
Myself and Phil Crompton are in the early stages of a Campaign of Pikemans Lament, this system is based on the very popular Lion and Dragon Rampant rule systems and is set in the First English Civil war around 1642.
We have set the game around the south East of England where two opposing gentry, Sir Lancalot Sprat (Royalist – Barry Fee) and Lord Jodrell Bank (Parliamentarian Phil Crompton) are fighting for local control of the Eastern half of the County of East Anglia which was controlled by Parliament throughout the Civil War.
The scenario we chose was the kings Warchest. The Rebel parliamentarians need to steal King Charles Gold from him before the Royalists under Sir Lancalot Sprat Escape with the wages for the next months campaigning.

Royalist Horse quickly move to protect the Waggons Royalist Skirmishers at the Wagons drag off the spoils Parliamentatian Clubmen and Pike advance on the Kings Road to snatch a wagon or 2 for Lord Bank

Those damned lace-wearing Royalist fops managed to escape a bloody nose. The coward Spratt deserves a flogging for his yellow-belly tactics. The Godly will be back, Sir, to give you a good thrashing (and so speaketh Lord Jodrell Bank).
A very enjoyable campaign game we’re having so far. The system is very easy to pick up but also great fun to play. It’s been hysterical watching Barry’s troops desperately lugging their cannon around the playing area for the last two games trying to get a bead on the Parliamentarians only to see it overrun with a last gasp charge by the Gallopers. An action a certain Lord Cardigan was to replicate some 200 years later the plagiarising scoundrel!
It is the Kings will that decides these games Mr Crompton, your rebelious troops shall never defeat Gods chosen leader of this country!