I’ve just finished three units of Nubian Spear to add to my ever growing Islamic forces (as I said previously you always need Moor).

These are based individually, as usual, and are intended for use with Lion Rampant.

I also use Warbases movement trays to assemble the minis into more regular units for To The Strongest and Dux Bellorum games.
I like to get the most out of my armies so I use regular historic units and add various Fantasy elements so that they can be used for Dragon Rampant.

In this case I’ve included the following units to give an Arabian Nights feel.

Sinbad’s Crew, Assassins, Djinns, Scorpions, Houris, Efreets, a Cyclops, a Giant Roc, a number of Flying Carpets, various character models and a Cuddly Toy (not sure about that last one).

It gives me an excuse to search the internet for ever more obscure minis and provides a break from painting regiments.